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Foods That Just Taste Better Grilled

Sliced pizza with assorted toppings and a beer

We, at San Diego BBQ, love food and experimenting makes it that much more fun! I bet you didn’t realize that some of your all-time favorites and classic meals taste even better grilled. Don’t believe me, read this article and try a few on your own grill!

Barbecued Pizza

Ask any child what their favorite meal is and 90% of them say pizza! Cheese, pepperoni, veggies, even pineapple (we don’t judge), pizza is a crowd pleaser. Kick it up a notch and make it on the grill. This easy to follow recipe from Bobby Flay is a great recipe to follow. Feel free to change up the toppings and make it completely your own. It starts with fresh dough grilled perfectly and ends with your new favorite grilled meal.

A Tradition at San Diego BBQ: Roasted Peaches

Peaches remind me of summer, they are fresh, great on their own, as a dessert or even part of a salad. Making peaches even better seems impossible, try them on the grill. Start with fresh peaches, cut in half with the seed removed. Make a quick mixture of cinnamon, sugar and unsalted butter at room temperature. Brush the peaches with oil and grill until golden brown. While they are still warm put the butter mixture on top. To truly indulge eat with vanilla ice cream.

Note: make sure that your grill is very clean or all those strong meat odors will be infused in your delicate peaches.

Butter and Garlic, Please.

Is there a side that’s better than garlic bread? We think not, so imagine it grilled. Grab a couple fresh ciabatta buns, or buns of your choice and cut them in half. Butter, and place cut side down on a preheated grill. Once grill lines appear, and bread is warmed thoroughly season with garlic, salt, and pepper. Serve warm and think about why you never thought to make garlic bread this way before.

Grilled Scallops

When we think scallops we think delicious. Some may be a little weary to grill them but don’t be. There is a delicious recipe by Anna Olsen you can follow by clicking here. Salmon is also delicious grilled.

Who Doesn’t Like Fire-Roasted Corn?

You have to try grilled corn on the cob. This is a family staple. It’s one of the best sides you can have all summer long, fresh, tasty and slightly charred. Start with fresh ears of corn, summer months will have the sweetest corn for you to enjoy. Preheat your grill to high heat and lightly oil the grate. Remove husks and silk from the corns. Rub butter on the corns and then salt and pepper them. Wrap them tightly in tinfoil, and grill for about 30 minutes. Once finished cooking sprinkle with parmesan cheese, so so good.

Sweet Heat Potatoes

Lastly, let’s talk about sweet potatoes. They are the healthier alternative to normal white potatoes and are delicious no matter how you cook them. So why not make them on the grill? Make them as a flavourful side dish full of nutrients. Start by washing your potatoes and cutting them into ¼ inch thick slices. Toss the slices in canola oil (or any other oil that can sustain high heat), salt, pepper and any other spices you enjoy. When grill is hot, set the slices on in a single layer, grill until grill marks appear, then flip. Should be about 5mins/ side. Serve warm and enjoy.

With all of these awesome recipes to try out on the grill, your summer is going to be packed full of delicious meals. Be adventurous and grill something that normally isn’t, who knows, you may find you enjoy it even more this way. San Diego BBQ surely does!

Picture of Blake McDonald
Blake McDonald

Co-Founder of SDBBQ®

Blake is a true grill guru. Known as a walking encyclopedia of grills, Blake’s deep knowledge and hands-on expertise ensure every grill he touches operates flawlessly, bringing BBQ dreams to life.